Are You Getting Enough Omega 3 in your diet?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a crucial part of a person’s nutrition and contribute to the essential health of all cells within the body. the general public gets enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet to realize this. The richest source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish and it is found in research that eating more fish can help reduce the risk of individuals being affected by cardiovascular illnesses. Moreover, you can take Fish oil supplements to get similar health benefits.

While some studies show the benefits of consuming enough ALA from plant-based sources in boosting DHA and EPA within the blood. Usually, fatty fishes are highly preferred to fulfill the requirement of omega 3, but for vegetarians, there is a huge variety to choose from. let’s have a look at the below-mentioned food items especially for vegetarians.

Omega 3 enriched food items

For people who are unable to fulfill that prime quantity, having an omega-3 carboxylic acid supplement handy may be a good way to simply confirm your body is taken care of. Here are some plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids that even have a slew of other health benefits.

Flaxseeds and oil

Flaxseeds are one amongst the foremost popular sources of both omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber for plant-based eaters! These tiny seeds are a punch of nutrition with 5 grams of protein, 7 grams of dietary fiber, and 6388 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in every 28 grams of flax seeds. This is often to not mention the degree of vitamins and minerals like folate, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Along with flaxseeds, linseed oil is another great source of omega-3 fatty acids. As it is obvious that linseed oil may be a more impregnable and rich extraction which suggests there are even more omega-3 fatty acids per serving.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds don’t seem to be only a staple during a plant-based kitchen, but they’re also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. When introduced to a liquid, these minuscule seeds self-praise with a gelatinous coating making them perfect for plant-based pudding or as an egg-binder-substitute in an exceedingly kind of baking recipe. It consists of omega-3 fatty acids with dietary fiber, protein, and moderate doses of calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.


Nuts, in general, are one among the most effective sources of healthy fat, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, yet when it involves getting your daily dose of these omega-3 fatty acids, you’ll want to specialize in walnuts. One cup full up with chopped walnuts contains omega-3 fatty acids alongside those fatty acids, which are getting a hardy dose of protein, dietary fiber, monounsaturated fat, and saturated fat. Plus a slew of vitamins and minerals like primarily fat-soluble vitamins, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.


While soybeans are the foremost plentiful source of omega-3 fatty acids, they do contain a modest amount. For one cup of cooked soybeans, you get enough omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy body. A cup of cooked soybeans offers protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins, A, C, and folate and minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

After knowing the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, it’s probably a decent idea to find out more about getting these nutrients in your diet! Plus, what about the opposite omega fatty acids? Furthermore, what about healthy fat all-around in an exceedingly well-balanced plant-based diet?

In order to get the answers to the above question, I would suggest you take a step ahead towards focusing on your diet and take health and fitness supplements under the direction of your dietician. To know more related to health, visit the website of Healthy Naturals, also check out the dietary supplements.

Fish Oil vs. Statins: which works better to keep cholesterol down?

Is it the time to fill your groceries again? If yes then, make sure to visit the superfood section in the market to keep your cholesterol in control. But wait don’t some fish oil contains cholesterol? And why am I supposed to take Omega 3 rich fish oil instead of instead of to control my cholesterol? Well, we are just about to tell you that through this blog post.

High cholesterol often considered as a slow killer is the health condition where cholesterol level increases in the blood. It is the contributing factor to several heart diseases and other health conditions. The main problem is there are no symptoms of high cholesterol as Mark Spity once explained- “If you have high cholesterol, you would feel the same as if you had low cholesterol because there are no side effects, no symptoms of having high cholesterol”.

How Fish Oil Works?

Fish oil is one of the most popular supplements that contains omega-3 fatty acids that are credited for number of benefits. The Omega-3 fish oil supplement is claimed to:

  • Reduce the blood pressure
  • Improve the healthy skin and hairs
  • Fight the inflammation
  • Boost bone density

Although, it is naturally found in the fatty fishes and seafood, most of the people consume it in a form of supplement.  The United States have the highest number of adults who use products containing fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids.

How Statins Work?  

Statins refer to a class of drugs that are prescribed by physician to lower down the cholesterol level in the body. What statins actually do is block the production of the cholesterol to prevent health diseases and other health problems. One study found that more than 27.8 percent Americans over the age of 40 are using statins to keep their cholesterol in check.

How researches explain impact of fish oil on high cholesterol?

The results of the conducted studies of fish oil are mixed. There is a long list of benefits that are linked with the fish oil supplements and scientists are still conducting research to find out whether they are true or not. The claims number of benefits including:

  • Lower down the risks of heart attack
  • Lower down the triglycerides in the body
  • Improve skin health
  • Manage diabetes

Some studies found that fish oil can reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, there are some studies that claims that fish oil reduces the triglycerides levels in the body but there are no evidences that it lower down the risks of heart attack.

How researches explain impact of statins on high cholesterol?

As per the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), statins show an indisputable ability to lower down the cholesterol level. However, it should be taken with care to prevent any side effects.

When it comes to controlling the cholesterol level, statins work magically as they have anti-inflammatory benefits that can stabilize the blood vessels and can prevent the heart attacks. Moreover, the overdose of statins can cause muscle pain and are only prescribed to patients with the high cholesterol.

Although many people consider taking statins, omega-3 fish oil can also help you to reduce and maintain the healthy cholesterol level. However, the best way to prevent high cholesterol is by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Can Scientists Make Fish Oil More Sustainable?

Fish oil has become a new black oil in the aquaculture world. With the growing popularity of omega-3 fish oil, the demands are touching the sky. In such a condition how are we going to maintain sustainable fishing without draining the oceans to their very core? Of course, there are other sources of omega-3 other than fatty fishes but do they offer the same benefits?

Teams of scientists are constantly searching for other alternatives of fish oil to protect both environment and marine life cycle. Although they suggest going with the farm-raised fish and fish oil to allow nature to heal itself back, many people disagree. To know the truth behind this alternative we need to dig further and get into straight facts:

What is the difference between farm-raised and wild-caught fishes?

There is a common misconception that farm-raised fishes are bad. Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as black and white. What is the difference between them?

Farm-raised fishes

As you can already figure out from the term itself- farm raised fishes are raised in large-sized controllable pans that exist within the lake or river. The ultimate objective of raising fishes on the farm is to make them cheaper, easily available, and ready to consume. In the U.S. alone the farm-raised fishes make up to 90% of the fish consumption of the country.

The reason why farm-raised fishes are linked with low quality is that the fish food that is fed to the fish is low quality that is a mixture of grains, and a mixture of corn. In the case of salmon farming, the artificial color to mimic the wild salmons.

Wild-caught fishes

Right opposite to the farm-raised fishes, wild-caught fishes are caught by the fishermen from rivers, oceans, and lakes. The main benefit of wild-caught fishes is that they eat the organisms that are found naturally which is far more diverse than what they get fed in farms.

On top of this, wild-caught fishes don’t have any antibiotics and the risk of infection or disease as farm-raised do.

While both types of fishes are good to eat you should always buy from the reputable establishment to ensure the quality of the fishes.

Why farm raised fishes cannot replace freshly caught fishes?

  • They have less nutrition value than wild-caught fishes
  • The contains a higher amount of mercury, PCB and other harmful content
  • Farm-raised fishes are treating with medicines to increase the preservation
  • Compared to wild-catches they contain 30% less protein

In addition, most of the farm-raised fishes are genetically modified to avoid any diseases as they are raised within a particular parameter, they have a higher chance of catching parasites and other diseases. Hence, they are given antibiotics to reduce the overall risks of diseases.  

Moreover, if you see the bright side of the story then, you may find that farm-raised fishes are protecting our oceans from overfishing by meeting the demands. Sure, the arguments still continue and scientists may need to come up with other reliable alternatives of wild-caught fishes.

In the end, you can reap the benefits of wild-caught fishes by consuming omega-3 fish oil that is created from the fresh catches of Alaska is rich with the nutrition and protein your body needs to function properly. For further information feel free to visit Healthy Naturals.

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